TotalView Reference Guide : Part I: CLI Commands : CLI Commands
CLI Commands
This chapter contains detailed descriptions of CLI commands.
This section lists all of CLI commands with a brief description.
General CLI Commands
These commands provide information on the general CLI operating environment:
*alias: Creates or views pseudonyms for commands and arguments.
*capture: Sends output to a variable for commands that print information
*dlappend: Appends list elements to a TotalView variable.
*dset: Changes or views values of TotalView variables.
*dunset: Restores default settings of TotalView variables.
*help: Displays help information.
*stty: Sets terminal properties.
*unalias: Removes a previously defined alias.
CLI Initialization and Termination Commands
These commands initialize and terminate the CLI session, and add processes to CLI control:
*dattach: Brings one or more processes currently executing in the normal runtime environment (that is, outside TotalView) under TotalView control.
*ddetach: Detaches TotalView from a process.
*ddlopen: Dynamically loads shared object libraries.
*dgroups: Manipulates and manages groups.
*dkill: Kills existing user processes, leaving debugging information in place.
*dload: Loads debugging information about the program into TotalView and prepares it for execution.
*drerun: Restarts a process.
*drun: Starts or restarts the execution of user processes under control of the CLI.
*exit, quit: Exits from TotalView, ending the debugging session.
Program Information Commands
The following commands provide information about a program’s current execution location, and support browsing the program's source files:
*dcalltree: Displays parallel backtrace data.
*ddown: Navigates through the call stack by manipulating the current frame.
*dexamine: Displays memory contents.
*dflush: Unwinds the stack from computations.
*dga: Displays global array variables.
*dlist: Browses source code relative to a particular file, procedure, or line.
*dmstat: Displays memory usage information.
*dprint: Evaluates an expression or program variable and displays the resulting value.
*dptsets: Shows the status of processes and threads in a P/T set.
*dstatus: Shows the status of processes and threads.
*dup: Navigates through the call stack by manipulating the current frame.
*dwhat: Determines what a name refers to.
*dwhere: Prints information about the thread’s stack.
Execution Control Commands
The following commands control execution:
*dcont: Continues execution of processes and waits for them.
*dfocus: Changes the set of processes, threads, or groups upon which a CLI command acts.
*dgo: Resumes execution of processes (without blocking).
*dhalt: Suspends execution of processes.
*dhistory: Provides information for ReplayEngine and supports working with timestamps.
*dhold: Holds threads or processes.
*dnext: Executes statements, stepping over subfunctions.
*dnexti: Executes machine instructions, stepping over subfunctions.
*dout: Runs out of current procedure.
*dstep: Executes statements, moving into subfunctions if required.
*dstepi: Executes machine instructions, moving into subfunctions if required.
*dunhold: Releases held threads.
*duntil: Executes statements until a statement is reached.
*dwait: Blocks command input until processes stop.
*dworker: Adds or removes threads from a workers group.
Action Points
The following action point commands define and manipulate the points at which the flow of program execution should stop so that you can examine debugger or program state:
*dactions: Views information on action point definitions and their current status; this command also saves and restores action points.
*dbarrier: Defines a process barrier breakpoint.
*dbreak: Defines a breakpoint.
*ddelete: Deletes an action point.
*ddisable: Temporarily disables an action point.
*denable: Re-enables an action point that has been disabled.
*dwatch: Defines a watchpoint.
Platform-Specific CLI Commands
*dcuda: Manages NVIDIA® CUDA™ GPU threads, providing the ability to inspect them, change the focus, and display their status.
*spurs: Manages threads using commands modeled after the GDB SPU Runtime System (SPU) library.
Other Commands
The commands in this category do not fit into any of the other categories:
*dassign: Changes the value of a scalar variable.
*dcache: Clears the remote library cache.
*dcheckpoint: Creates a file that can later be used to restart a program.
*dheap: Displays information about the heap.
*drestart: Restarts a checkpoint.