TotalView Reference Guide : Part I: CLI Commands : CLI Commands : dload
Loads debugging information
dload [ -g gid ] [ -r hname ]
[ { -np | -procs | -tasks } num ]
[ -nodes num ]
[ -replay | -no_replay ]
[ -mpi starter ]
[ -starter_args argument ]
[ -env variable=value ] ...
[ -e ] executable
[ -parallel_attach_subset subset_specification ]
-g gid
Sets the control group for the process being added to the group ID specified by gid. This group must already exist. (The CLI GROUPS variable contains a list of all groups.)
-r hname
The host on which the process will run. The CLI launches a TotalView Debugger Server on the host machine if one is not already running there. (See Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 in the TotalView User Guide for information on the server launch commands.)
{ -np | -procs | -tasks } num
Indicates the number of processes or tasks that the starter program creates.
-nodes num
Indicates the number of nodes upon which your program will execute.
-replay | -no_replay
These options enable and disable the ReplayEngine the next time the program is restarted.
-mpi starter
Names the starter configuration, either a configuration supplied by TotalView or one created and named using the TV::parallel_configs variable. For information on defining configurations, see Appendix A , “MPI Startup,”.
-starter_args argument
Indicates additional arguments to be passed to the starter program.
-env variable=value
Sets a variable that is added to the program’s environment.
Indicates that the next argument is a file name. You need to use this argument if the file name begins with a dash or uses only numeric characters.
A fully or partially qualified file name for the file corresponding to the program.
-parallel_attach_subset subset_specification
Defines a list of MPI ranks to attach to when an MPI job is created or attached to. The list is space-separated; each element can have one of three forms:
rank: specifies that rank only
rank1-rank2: specifies all ranks between rank1 and rank2, inclusive
rank1-rank2:stride: specifies every strideth rank between rank1 and rank2
A rank specification can be either a number or "max" which represents the last rank in the MPI job.
For example:
dload -parallel_attach_subset {1 2 4-6 7-max:2} mpirun
will attach to ranks 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13,...
The dload command creates a new TotalView process object for the executable file and returns its TotalView ID.
*Your license limits the number of processes that you can run at the same time. For example, the maximum number of processes for TotalView Individual is 16. As some systems and run time environments create threads to manage a process, you may not be able to get this many processes running at the same time. (Only TotalView Individual counts threads against your license. TotalView Enterprise and Team allows an unlimited number of threads to run at the same time.)
Command alias: 
Loads debugging information
dload do_this
Loads the debugging information for the do_this executable into the CLI. After this command completes, the process does not yet exist and no address space or memory is allocated to it.
dload -mpi POE -starter_args "hfile=~/my_hosts" \
-np 2 -nodes
Loads an MPI job using the POE configuration. Two processes will be used across nodes. The hfiles starter argument is used.
lo -g 3 -r other_computer do_this
Loads the debugging information for the do_this executable that is executing on the other_computer machine into the CLI. This process is placed into group 3.
f g3 lo -r other_computer do_this
Does not do what you would expect it to do because the dload command ignores the focus command. Instead, this does exactly the same thing as the previous example.
dload -g $CGROUP(2) -r slowhost foo
Loads another process based on image foo on machine slowhost. The CLI places this process in the same group as process 2.
dload -env DISPLAY=aurora:0.0
-env STARTER=~/starter myprog

Related Topics
Loads another process based on image foo on machine slowhost. The CLI places this process in the same group as process 2.Loading Executables
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drun Command