TotalView Reference Guide : Part I: CLI Commands : CLI Commands : dhistory
Performs actions upon ReplayEngine
dhistory [ -info ] [ -get_time ] [ -go_time time ] [ -go_live ]
[ -enable ] [ -disable ]
Writes ReplayEngine information including the current time, the live time, and whether the process is in replay or record mode. If you do not enter any arguments, -info is the default.
Displays the current time. The output of this command shows an integer value followed by an address. The first integer value is a virtual timestamp. This virtual timestamp does not refer to the exact point in time; it has a granularity that is typically a few lines of code. The address value is a PC value that corresponds to a precise point within that block of code.
-go_time time
Places the process back to the virtual time specified by the time integer argument. The time argument is a virtual timestamp as reported by dhistory -get_time. You cannot use this command to move to a specific instruction but you can use it to get to within a small block of code (usually within a few lines of your intended point in execution history). This command is typically used either for roughly bookmarking a point in code or for searching execution history. It may need to be combined with stepping and duntil commands to return to an exact position.
Places the process back to the PC and back into record mode. You can resume your “regular” debugging session.
Enables ReplayEngine so that it will be active when you next restart the program.
Disables ReplayEngine so that it will be inactive when you next restart the program.
The dhistory command displays information about the current process either by default or when using the -info argument. In addition, options to this command can obtain a debugging time, which can be stored in a variable to go back to a particular time.
In addition, you can enable and display ReplayEngine as well as put it back into regular debugging mode using the -go_live option. You’ll need to do this after your program is placed into replay mode. This occurs whenever you use any GUI or CLI command that moves to replay mode. For example, in the CLI, this can occur when you execute such commands as dnext or dout.
Typing this command displays the following information:
History info for process 1
Live time:
421 0x80485d6
Current time:
421 0x80485d6
Live PC:
Record Mode:
Replay Wanted:
Stop Reason:
Normal result [waitpid, search, or goto_time]
Temp directory:
Event log mode:
Event log size: