TotalView Reference Guide : Part I: CLI Commands : CLI Commands : dcalltree
Displays parallel backtrace data
dcalltree [-data pbv_data_array] [-show_details] [-sort columns] [-hide_backtrace]
filename] [-save_as_dot filename]
-data pbv_data_array
Captures the data from calling dcalltree in an associative Tcl array rather than writing the data to the console.
Displays the data with all processes and threads displayed.
Displays the data with only root and leaf nodes displayed.
-sort column
Sorts the data display based on the data in a particular column. The possible arguments are Processes, Location, PC, Host, Rank, ID, and Status.
-save_as_csv filename
Saves the backtrace data as a file of comma-separated values under the name filename.
-save_as_dot filename
Saves the backtrace data as a dot file under the name filename. Dot is a plain text graph description language.
The TotalView GUI has a Parallel Backtrace View window that displays the state of every process and thread in a parallel job. The dcalltree command makes this same data available either in the console window, or, with the -data switch, as a Tcl associative array.
The associative array has the following format:
Key <value>
Level <value>
Processes <value>
Location <value>
PC <value>
Host <value>
Rank <value>
ID <value>
Status <value>
The -show_details and -hide_backtrace switches pull in opposite directions. The -show_details switch shows the maximum data, including all processes and threads. The -hide_backtrace command hides any intermediate nodes, displaying only the root and leaf nodes. If used together, this results in a display of root and leaf nodes and all threads. This reduction can help to de-clutter the data display if the number of processes and threads is large.
Calling dcalltree without switches results in a display such as this:
Processes Location PC Host Rank ID Status
--------- -------- -- ---- ---- -- ------
6 _start ... ... ... ... ...
6 _libc_start_main ... ... ... ... ...
4 main 0x00402b1c ... ... ... Breakpoint
2 sleep ... ... ... ... ...
2 _nanosleep_nocancel ... ... ... ... Running
dcalltree -show_details
By adding the -show_details, switch, you get more complete output:
Processes Location PC Host Rank ID Status
--------- -------- -- ---- ---- -- ------
6 _start ... ... ... ... ...
6 _libc_start_main ... ... ... ... ...
4 main 0x00402b1c ... ... ... Breakpoint
- main#70 0x00402b1c <local> 2 3.1 47567000944416 Breakpoint
- main#70 0x00402b1c <local> 4 5.1 47434069024544 Breakpoint
- main#70 0x00402b1c ushanka 3 4.1 47864373239520 Breakpoint
- main#70 0x00402b1c ushanka 5 6.1 46935597211360 Breakpoint
2 sleep ... ... ... ... ...
2 _nanosleep_nocancel ... ... ... ... Running
- _nanosleep_nocancel 0x2ae9d1cc9ea0 <local> 0 1.1 47183737360160 Running
- _nanosleep_nocancel 0x33fd499730 ushanka 1 1.1 47265758723808 Running
dcalltree -show_details -hide_backtrace
Adding the -hide_backtrace switch reduces the clutter somewhat:
Processes Location PC Host Rank ID Status
--------- -------- -- ---- ---- -- ------
6 _start ... ... ... ... ...
4 main 0x00402b1c ... ... ... Breakpoint
- main#70 0x00402b1c <local> 2 3.1 47567000944416 Breakpoint
- main#70 0x00402b1c <local> 4 5.1 47434069024544 Breakpoint
- main#70 0x00402b1c ushanka 3 4.1 47864373239520 Breakpoint
- main#70 0x00402b1c ushanka 5 6.1 46935597211360 Breakpoint
2 _nanosleep_nocancel ... ... ... ... Running
- _nanosleep_nocancel 0x2ae9d1cc9ea0 <local> 0 1.1 47183737360160 Running
- _nanosleep_nocancel 0x33fd499730 ushanka 1 1.1 47265758723808 Running
Here is code to get the location of all threads that are at a breakpoint:
dcalltree -data pbv_data_array -show_details
foreach { data_record } [array get pbv_data_array] {
set print_location 0
set break_location
foreach {title value} $data_record {
if {$title == "Location"} {
set break_location $value
if {$value == "Breakpoint"} {
set print_location 1
if {1 == $print_location} {
puts stdout "Breakpoint found at $break_location"
set print_location 0

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