Installing a FlexNet Embedded (FNE) License Server
FNE License Server Types
The TotalView FNE license server is typically hosted on a single Linux x86 64-bit host machine. (For platform support specifics, see “Requirements for the Local License Server” in the FNE License Server Administration Guide PDF included in the distribution).
However, there is a provision for failover protection using a backup host, which ensures that users are not interrupted in the event of server failure. (See Installing an FNE Failover Server.) The procedure for installing either type is basically the same.
Installation Procedure
For served licenses, you must install a license server on a system supported by FNE, as described in its administration guide.
FNE License Server Prerequisites
To install an FNE license server:
1. The user/administrator must have sudo or root privileges
2. The license server must be installed on a Linux-x86-64 system. (For platform support specifics, see “Requirements for the Local License Server” in the FNE License Server Administration Guide PDF included in the distribution).
The host running TotalView will use TCP/IP to contact and check out licenses from the FNE license server running as a Linux service on the chosen x86 64-bit machine.
3. Java requirements:
*Oracle JRE 1.8 or OpenJDK 1.8
*The JAVA_HOME (or JRE_HOME) environment variable on your system set to the path for your default JDK (or JRE) installation. Ensure that this path does not include a trailing character, such as a slash or space.
4. A dedicated unprivileged user account is recommended for the Linux-x86-64 system that hosts the license server. See Create a dedicated unprivileged user account.
Installing a Regular FNE Server
1. Install the FNE Server
The FlexNet Embedded server is available as a separate installation tar bundle, available for download on the TotalView website at
NOTE: For served license renewal, skip this section and see FNE License Renewal.
1. Unpack your TotalView FlexNet Embedded distribution on the Linux license server system
To install the FNE license server software, unpack the FlexNet Embedded tar bundle onto the Linux x86 64-bit machine that will host the license server, then run the Install script from the resulting directory:
tar xvf flexnetls-<version>.tar -C ~
cd ~/flexnetls-<version>
2. Run the Install script using sudo (required)
sudo ./Install
*Choose an installation directory, e.g., /opt.
*At the prompt, select the components to install: just the FNE server files (flexnetls-server.tar.Z).
Once the Install script completes, you should have a flexnetls-<version> directory under <installdir>/toolworks.
2. Generate a Host ID for Each FNE License Server
Generate a host ID for the license server and failover server, if relevant.
To obtain host information, run the toolworks_hostid script, as follows:
NOTE: Do not use the UNIX hostid command, as it will not return the proper host ID for FNE.
This script writes the host name and one or more FlexNet Embedded host ID values to standard output, for example:
The host name for this machine is: fast-server
The FlexNet Embedded host ID for this machine is:   08122b2cf32d
Generate host IDs for each server and send them to the TotalView license team, They will use them to complete your order and send you a permanent/subscription license to use when configuring each host.
3. Verify Your FNE License Type and Product
After receiving your license, you can verify your license type and product by running the utility toolworks_licensetype and provide as input the license file:
<installdir>/toolworks/totalview.<version>/bin/toolworks_licensetype <licensefile>
The script returns the license type (either FNP or FNE), the product, and whether a license server is required. For example:
FlexNet Embedded (FNE) TotalView for HPC license(s) detected
These licenses are counted. A license server is required.
For license setup help refer to TotalView for HPC > FlexNet Embedded (FNE)
in the TotalView Installation Guide.
4. Configure the FNE License Server
1. Install the license file on the license server system
Place your Perforce-provided FNE license file, license.bin, into the flexnetls-<version> directory.
2. Create a dedicated unprivileged user account
NOTE: Skip this step if you already created the user as a prerequisite to installing and running the license server as discussed in FNE License Server Prerequisites.
While not required, it’s recommended to have a dedicated, unprivileged user account to run the license server. Note that the login shell should be /bin/sh.
3. Run the Configure_License script using sudo
cd /opt/toolworks/flexnetls-<version>
sudo bin/Configure_License
This script is interactive and prompts you while it runs. These are the possible options:
*Create/provide a username, created as a prerequisite in FNE License Server Prerequisites or during Step 2.
*(Optional) Define a program files directory where the license server service will be installed.
*(Optional) Define a data files directory for trusted storage and log files.
*Identify an available listening port (e.g., 7137).
*(Optional) Customize FNE server policy settings.
*(Optional) View the automatic license server startup script.
5. Point TotalView Client Installations to the FNE Server
Each client machine that will run TotalView needs access to a license.
*On each client machine, set the environment variable TV_LICENSE_FILE to point to the FNE license server using the format <port>@<host>.
For example:
*Alternatively, to avoid having to set up the TV_LICENSE_FILE environment variable for each user, place the <port>@<host> string in a file in the FNE_license directory.
To do this, create a file tv_license_file that contains just the <port>@<host> string, such as 7137@licserver. Place this file in <installdir>/toolworks/FNE_license/.