TotalView Installation Guide : Installing License Keys : Step 3: Adding New License Keys
Step 3: Adding New License Keys
This step describes how to update and create the license.dat file that the license manager uses to allow access to TotalView.
*If your license server is already serving one or more TotalView licenses (that is, the file ${FLEXLM}/license.dat already exists), go to Revising Your license.dat File”.
Adding a New license.dat File
The Configure_License script, which is located in the ${FLEXLM}/bin directory—creates the license.dat file and the toolworks_init script. Configure_License needs to read the license.src file. This file, which you will create, contains TotalView license keys.
Here is the procedure for creating this license.src file:
1 Change to the flexlm-version directory on the license server
cd ${FLEXLM}
2 Copy and paste the new Rogue Wave license keys—this is the information that you received through email—into a file named license.src in the flexlm‑version directory.
The text in your license.src is derived from your host information, number of license keys, and license configurations.
3 Run the ${FLEXLM}/bin/Configure_License script on the license server. You must run this script while your current directory is flexlm-version. The script creates the following files:
Proceed to Step 4: Starting and Stopping the License Server”.
Revising Your license.dat File
If you are currently using TotalView, you need to revise your ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file. You do not need to create a new ${FLEXLM}/license.src file nor do you need to rerun the Configure_License script unless you have deleted or changed the location of the flexlm-version directory.
If the ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file does not exist, you will need to follow the procedure described in Adding a New license.dat File at the beginning of this topic. Since Rogue Wave does not resupply all of your license keys when there is a license change, you will need to combine the license keys that you already have with the newly delivered keys.
Here is the procedure for revising your existing license.dat file:
1 Backup your existing ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file. For example,
cp ${FLEXLM}/license.dat ${FLEXLM}/license.dat.bak
2 Using a text editor, edit the ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file and append the new TotalView license keys delivered in this email message to the end of the ${FLEXLM}/license.dat file.
3 Tell the license server to reread your license.dat file: