TotalView Online Help : Process Window : Process Menu Commands : Parallel Page
Parallel Page
The Parallel page lets you tell TotalView how it should start your parallel job. You can, of course, also start your job directly from a shell.
Figure 51: Process > Startup Parameters Dialog Box: Parallel Page
*This tab is identical to the Parallel tab that TotalView displays when you select the Process > Startup Parameters command.
Parallel system
Select which parallel system profile TotalView should use when it starts your program. This profile can be one that TotalView provides, one created for your site, or one that you create. For more information, see the appendix in the TotalView Reference Guide.
Enter a number indicating how many tasks your program should create. Entering a value of 0 (zero) indicates that your system’s default value should be used.
Enter a number indicating how many nodes your program should use when running your program. Not all systems use this value. Entering a value of 0 (zero) indicates that your system’s default value should be used.
Additional starter arguments
If your program’s execution requires that you use arguments to send information to the starter process such as mpirun or poe, enter them in this area. In contrast, if you need to use arguments to send information to your program, enter those arguments in the Arguments tab.
Issues When Using Starter Programs
Starter programs such as poe or aprun and TotalView can interfere with one another because each believes that it owns stdin. Because the starter program is trying to manage stdin on behalf of your processes, it continually reads from stdin, acquiring all characters that it sees. This means that TotalView never sees these characters. If your target process does not use stdin, you can use the -stdinmode none option. Unfortunately, this option is incompatible with poe -cmdfile option that is used when specifying -pgmmodel mpmd.