Debugging Memory Problems with MemoryScape : Chapter 1 Locating Memory Problems : Examining Memory : Block Properties : Additional Memory Block Information

Additional Memory Block Information
If you expand the top area of the Block Properties window manually or if you click the Hide Backtrace/Content button, you can see additional information about the memory block, Figure 30.
Lists the starting and ending address of each block, its status— means allocated. As this window contains an entry for each block for which you’ve requested properties, more than one block can be displayed, as is shown here.
Comment area
As an aid to remember which block is which in this window, add a comment to the block.
Graphic display
Shows a display of the blocks similar to how it is shown in the Heap Status Graphics display and other places where memory is displayed graphically. In this example, guard blocks were used, and they are indicated by the lighter green area at the ends of the block
Block Information
Contains status information about the block.
Block Flags
Selecting a checkbox tells MemoryScape that it should stop execution and notify you when the block is deallocated or reallocated.
Closes this window.
Show Backtrace/Content
Shows the Backtrace/Content part of this window that was previously concealed.
Displays Help text.

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