Starting a Session from your Shell
There are a number of ways to start TotalView so a session is created and ready to begin when the debugger opens.
NOTE: If you need features currently not supported in the TotalView UI (see
Introducing TotalView), you can launch Classic TotalView by invoking
totalview with the flag
-classicui. For example:
totalview -classicui Debugging a Program
totalview executable
Starts TotalView and loads the executable program.
Debugging a Parallel Program
totalview -args mpirun -np 4 ./mpi_program
Starts TotalView and loads a four-process MPI program.
Debugging a Core File
totalview executable corefile
Starts TotalView, loads the executable program, and an associated corefile. You can use wild cards in the core file name.
Debugging a Replay Recording File
totalview executable replay-recording-file
Starts TotalView, loads the executable program, and the replay-recording-file from a previous debugging session for which a ReplayEngine recording was saved to the named file.
Passing Arguments to the Program Being Debugged
totalview executable -a args
Starts TotalView and passes all the arguments following the
-a option to the
executable program. When using the
-a option, it must be the last TotalView option on the command line. Delimit multiple arguments with spaces.
totalview -args executable args
Similar to above, but uses the command line option -args to specify that the executable program and arguments follow.
Loading a Session
totalview -load_session session-name
Starts TotalView and the named session.