Parallel Configuration
This tab allows you to configure the parallel attach behaviors for debugging sessions, choosing:
*How to attach to started processes
*Whether processes should continue running or should stop after attaching
*dbfork options
NOTE: You can start MPI jobs in two ways. You can directly invoke TotalView on your program (which is identical to entering arguments into the Parallel Session Dialog or other types of debugging sessions available from the File menu) or by directly or indirectly involving a starter program such as poe or mpirun. TotalView refers to these configuration settings only when it is directly invoked on a starter program. For programs started by TotalView, the program actually executes in the same way as a non-parallel program. That is, all processes created are part of the same control group, and TotalView allows this control group to run freely.
Figure 104, Preferences: Parallel Configuration
*Attach Behavior: Choose the action to take when processes begin execution. Either automatically attach to all executing processes, attach to none, or launch a pop-up asking what to do. The default is “Attach to all processes.”
*After Attach Behavior: Choose the action to take after attaching to started processes. Either stop the processes to easily set breakpoints, launch a pop-up dialog asking what to do, or continue running the processes. The default is “Ask what to do.”
*dbfork Attach Behavior: Choose whether or not the debugger attaches to child processes linked with dbfork. The default is “Attach.”
Linking with the dbfork Library
More about controlling how TotalView attaches to processes
The TV::parallel_attach variable in the TotalView Reference Guide
More about how TotalView stops processes.
The TV::parallel_stop variable in the TotalView Reference Guide