The GPU Status View Focus Options
Figure 145 shows the view after a program has loaded a GPU kernel and stopped at a breakpoint. By default, the view displays the process ID, physical GPU coordinates, function name, and execution state.
Figure 145, GPU Status View
This GPU program is running:
*A single process (p1)
*On one device (0)
*With 9 SMs, identified using a stride of “2” (which truncates the list for UI display). In this case, the SM identifiers would be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16.
*With each SM containing one warp (0)
*With each warp containing 4 lanes (0, 1, 2, 3)
*With all lanes stopped at breakpoint in function MatMulKernel().
The view has a Focus width dropdown which includes the Control Group, Share Group, Process, and a list of any CUDA context threads within the focus process.
The focus width is based on the process that is currently in focus in the UI. A focus of "Share Group," for example, it would be the share group containing the process in focus in the UI.
Other features of this view:
*The configure icon () launches the Configuration Options for grouping, sorting, and filtering data in the view.
*The update icon () updates the view. The view is not automatically updated when status changes. When grayed out, the view is up to date.