TotalView 2024.2
This help set includes all the Classic TotalView documentation. See the user guides for concept information and tutorials. See the Reference Guide for CLI commands, options, variables, transformations, and system requirements.
New in Classic TotalView for 2024.2
Classic TotalView includes the following primary new or updated features. For a complete change history for TotalView, MemoryScape and ReplayEngine, see the document “TotalView_for_HPC_Change_Log.pdf” in the PDF directory of your installation, or see the TotalView Change Log on the TotalView documentation page on the website.
NVIDIA Grace / Hopper Support
This release adds support for NVIDIA Grace Arm-based CPUs. Combined with the added Hopper support from the 2024.1 release, this enables TotalView to fully support debugging the NVIDIA Grace/Hopper computing environments.
OpenMP Debugging Improvements
OpenMP debugging has been enhanced with updates to supported compilers, Internal Control Variables (ICVs) display, the ability to easily step in and out of parallel regions, improved OMP outlined function name demangling, and expanded OMP thread information in the UI and CLI output.
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
Numerous bug fixes and performance improvements have been addressed.
The New UI TotalView User Interface
To change between the new UI and the TotalView Classic UI, use the Preferences dialog on the Display menu. You can also launch the new UI with the -newUI switch:
totalview -newUI
New features added to the new, modern user interface in this release include:
*Signal Handling Control
Control how TotalView handles system signals sent to the target application on the new Signal Actions page under the Preferences menu. Here, customize any signal action for the relevant operating system.
*HDPI Enhancements
HDPI display enhancements include improved scaling and font adjustments when running differently scaled displays.
Platform Updates
*OMPD Compilers
LLVM Clang 17.0.6
LLVM Flang 17.0.1
AMD Clang and AMD Flang ROCm 6.0 (AMD Clang version 17.0.0)
HPE CC/C++ and Fortran 17.0.0
ROCm 6.1