TotalView 2023.1
This help set includes all the Classic TotalView documentation. See the user guides for concept information and tutorials. See the Reference Guide for CLI commands, options, variables, transformations, and system requirements.
New in Classic TotalView for 2023.1
Classic TotalView includes the following primary new or updated features. For a complete change history for TotalView, MemoryScape and ReplayEngine, see the document “TotalView_for_HPC_Change_Log.pdf” in the PDF directory of your installation, or see the TotalView Change Log on the TotalView documentation page on the website.
AMD GPU ROCm Debugging
This release adds support for ROCm 5.4, as well as automatic discovery for target programs using the ROCm toolkit. As a result, the -rocm command line switch is no longer needed to debug ROCm programs.
CUDA 11.8
TotalView now supports CUDA 11.8, which introduces a new, unified CUDA debugger backend; however, some serious problems were discovered during testing which won’t be addressed until the CUDA 12.0 r525 driver is released.
For this release of TotalView, to use CUDA 11.8, you must force CUDA to fall back to the legacy CUDA debug implementation by setting the CUDBG_USE_LEGACY_DEBUGGER environment variable to 1:
Because every debugger and application process in a debug session must use this setting, the easiest solution is to set this environment variable in your shell startup file (e.g., .cshrc or .bashrc). See the Release Notes for more detail.
Python 3.10 Mixed Language Debugging Support
Support for Python 3.10 has been added, when performing mixed language C/C++ and Python debugging.
AIX 7.2 Support
Support has been added for AIX 7.2; however, targets launched through a fork/exec may hang in low-level ptrace() system calls, due to a kernel bug in the underlying AIX OS. IBM is planning to release a software fix for this issue.
The New UI TotalView User Interface
To change between the new UI and the TotalView Classic UI, use the Preferences dialog on the Display menu. You can also launch the new UI with the -newUI switch:
totalview -newUI
New features added to the new, modern user interface in this release include:
*Performance Enhancements
Optimization to user interface updates and debug event processing now results in faster debugging session launches, especially for large scale parallel jobs. These changes also improve UI updates during debugging operations, such as when quickly stepping through multiple lines of source code.
*Memory Painting
Paint memory to find memory access problems for uninitialized or freed memory. For both newly allocated memory blocks and freed memory blocks, a hexadecimal paint pattern is written into the memory block, providing a consistent memory value for cases in which your program tries to read from those memory blocks. See the Release Notes for more detail.
*TotalView Working Directory
Specify a working directory where TotalView will execute your target program. If not provided, the default is the directory from which you invoked TotalView.
Enter this value into the UI or on the command line when starting TotalView. Modify it during a debug session using the Process > Modify Arguments menu or in the Sessions Manager.