Top-Level (::) Namespace
Contains the arguments to be passed the next time the process starts, with TotalView ID dpid.
Permitted Values: A string
Default: None
Contains the value for the “stop_when_done” property for newly created action points. This property defines additional elements to stop when a barrier point is satisfied or a thread encounters this action point. You can also set this value using the When barrier hit, stop value in the Action Points Page of the File > Preferences dialog box. The values are:
Stops all processes in a thread’s control group when a thread reaches a barrier created using this default.
Stops the process in which the thread is running when a thread reaches a barrier created using this default.
Stops only the thread that hit a barrier created using this default.
This variable is the same as the
Permitted Values: group, process, or thread
Default: group
Contains the argument passed to a new process when no ARGS(dpid) variable is defined.
Permitted Values: A string
Default: None
Contains the default value used when a barrier point is satisfied. You can also set this value using the -stop_when_done command-line option or the When barrier done, stop value in the Action Points Page of the File > Preferences dialog box. The values are:
When a barrier is satisfied, stops all processes in the control group.
When a barrier is satisfied, stops the processes in the satisfaction set.
Stops only the threads in the satisfaction set; other threads are not affected. For process barriers, there is no difference between process and none.
In all cases, TotalViewreleases the satisfaction set when the barrier is satisfied.
This variable is the same as the
TV::barrier_stop_when_done variable.
Permitted Values: group, process, or thread
Default: group
Contains the control group for the process with the TotalView ID dpid. Setting this variable moves process dpid into a different control group. For example, the following command moves process 3 into the same group as process 1:
dset CGROUP(3) $CGROUP(1)
Permitted Values: A number
Default: None
Enables some Emacs-like commands for use when editing text in the CLI. These editing commands are always available in the CLI window of the TotalView GUI. However, they are available only in the stand-alone CLI if the terminal in which it is running supports cursor positioning and clear-to-end-of-line. The commands you can use are:
^A: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
^B: Moves the cursor one character backward
^D: Deletes the character to the right of cursor
^E: Moves the cursor to the end of the line
^F: Moves the cursor one character forward
^K: Deletes all text to the end of line
^N: Retrieves the next entered command (only works after ^P)
^P: Retrieves the previously entered command
^R or ^L: Redraws the line
^U: Deletes all text from the cursor to the beginning of the line
Rubout or Backspace: Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
Permitted Values: true or false
Default: false
Contains a colon-separated list of the directories searched for source and executable files.
Permitted Values: Any directory or directory path. To include the current setting, use $EXECUTABLE_PATH.
Default: .(dot)
Contains pairs of regular expressions and replacement and replacement strings—these replacements are called mappings—separated by colons. TotalView applies these mappings to the search paths before it looks for source, object, and program files.
The syntax for mapping strings is:
+regular_exp+=+replacement+ :+regular_exp+=+replacement+
This example shows two pairs, each delimited by a colon (“:”). Each element within a pair is delimited by any character except a colon. The first character entered is the delimiter. This example uses a “+” as a delimiter. (Traditionally, forward slashes are used as delimiters but are not used here, as a forward slash is also used to separate components of a pathname. For example, /home/my_dir contains forward slashes.)
Be aware that special characters must follow standard Tcl rules and conventions, for example:
dset EXECUTABLE_SEARCH_MAPPINGS {+^/nfs/compiled/u2/(.*)$+ = +/nfs/host/u2/\1+ }
This expression applies a mapping so that a directory named /nfs/compiled/u2/project/src1 in the expanded search path becomes /nfs/host/u2/project/src1.
Default: {}
Contains a list of paths, separated by a colon, to search for executables. For information, see
“Setting Search Paths Using Classic TotalView Variables” in the Classic TotalView
in-product help.
Permitted Values: Any directory or directory path.
Default: ${EXECUTABLE_PATH};${$PATH}:.
Contains a list of the TotalView IDs for all members in group gid.
The first element indicates the type of group:
The group of all processes in a program
A group of threads that share the same PC
A user-created process group
The group of processes in one program that share the same executable image
A user-created thread group
The group of worker threads in a program
Elements that follow are either pids (for process groups) or pid.tid pairs (for thread groups).
The gid is a simple number for most groups. In contrast, a lockstep group’s ID number is of the form pid.tid. Thus, GROUP(2.3) contains the lockstep group for thread 3 in process 2. Note, however, that the CLI does not display lockstep groups when you use dset with no arguments because they are hidden variables.
The GROUP(id) variable is read-only.
Permitted Values: A Tcl array of lists indexed by the group ID. Each entry contains the members of one group.
Default: None
Contains a list of all TotalView groups IDs. Lockstep groups are not contained in this list. This is a read-only value and cannot be set.
Permitted Values: A Tcl list of IDs.
Defines the number of lines shown before the CLI stops printing information and displays its more prompt. The following values have special meaning:
No more processing occurs, and the printing does not stop when the screen fills with data.
A synonym for 0
The CLI uses the tty settings to determine the number of lines to display. This may not work in all cases. For example, Emacs sets the tty value to 0. If AUTO works improperly, you need to explicitly set a value.
Permitted Values: A positive integer, or the AUTO or NONE strings
Default: Auto
Defines the maximum number of levels that the dwhere command displays.
Permitted Values: A positive integer
Default: 512
Defines the number of lines that the dlist command displays.
Permitted Values: A positive integer
Default: 20
Contains pairs of regular expressions and replacement and replacement strings (called mappings) separated by colons. TotalView applies these mappings to the search paths when searching for source, object, and program files. For more information, see
Default: {}
Contains a list of paths separated by a colon to search for your program’s object files. For information, see
“Search Path Variables That You Can Set”.
Permitted Values: Any directory or directory path.
Contains a list of information associated with a dpid. This is a read-only value and cannot be set.
Permitted Values: An integer
Default: None
Defines the CLI prompt. Any information within brackets ([ ]) is assumed to be a Tcl command, so therefore evaluated before the prompt string is created.
Permitted Values: Any string. To access the value of PTSET, place the variable within brackets; that is, [dset PTSET].
Default: {[dfocus]> }
Contains the current focus. This is a read-only value and cannot be set.
Permitted Values: A string
Default: d1.<
Contains the group ID of the share group for process pid. The share group is determined by the control group for the process and the executable associated with this process. You cannot directly modify this group.
Permitted Values: A number
Default: None
Indicates the scope for newly created action points. In the CLI, this is the dbarrier, dbreak, and dwatch commands. If this boolean value is true, newly created action point are shared across the group; if false, a newly created action point is active only in the process in which it is set.
As an alternative to setting this variable, you can select the Plant in share group check box in the Action Points Page in the File > Preferences dialog box. To override this value in the GUI, use the Plant in share group checkbox in the Action Point > Properties dialog box.
Permitted Values: true or false
Default: true
Contains pairs of regular expressions and replacement strings (mappings), separated by colons. TotalView applies these mappings to the search paths before it looks for shared library files.
Default: {}
Contains a list of paths, each separated by a colon, to search for your program’s shared library files.
Permitted Values: Any directory or directory path.
Contains pairs of regular expressions and replacement strings (mappings) separated by colons. TotalView applies these mappings to the search paths before it looks for source, object, and program files. For more information, see
Default: {}
Contains a list of paths, separated by a colon, to search for your program’s source files. For information, see
“Search Path Variables That You Can Set”.
Permitted Values: Any directory or directory path.
Controls whether TotalView filters the stack. Because not all applications can benefit from stack filtering, this variable is false by default.
NOTE: If TotalView detects that an application has a feature that can benefit from stack filtering, it enables this variable.
Permitted Values: true or false
Default: false
Indicates a default property for newly created action points, defining additional elements to stop when this action point is encountered
Stops the entire control group when the action point is hit
Stops the entire process when the action point is hit
Stops only the thread that hit the action point. Note that none is a synonym for thread
Permitted Values: group, process, or thread
Default: process
Indicates the number of spaces used to simulate a tab character when the CLI displays information.
Permitted Values: A positive number. A value of -1 indicates that the CLI does not simulate tab expansion.
Default: 8
Contains a list of all threads in the process pid, in the form {pid.1 pid.2 ...}. This is a read-only variable and cannot be set.
Permitted Values: A Tcl list
Default: None
Names the directory containing the TotalView executable. This is a read-only variable and cannot be set. This variable is exported as TVROOT, and can be used in launch strings.
Permitted Values: The location of the TotalView installation directory
Contains a list of the directories in which the CLI searches for TCL library components.
Permitted Values: Any valid directory or directory path. To include the current setting, use $TOTALVIEW_TCLLIB_PATH.
Default: The directory containing the CLI’s Tcl libraries
Contains the version number and the type of computer architecture upon which TotalView is executing. This is a read-only variable and cannot be set.
Permitted Values: A string containing the platform and version number
Default: Platform-specific
Sets the error message information displayed by the CLI:
Prints errors, warnings, and informational messages. Informational messages include data on dynamic libraries and symbols.
Prints only errors and warnings.
Prints only error messages.
Does not print error, warning, and informational messages. This also shuts off printing results from CLI commands. This should be used only when the CLI is run in batch mode.
Permitted Values: info, warning, error, and silent
Default: info
The group ID of the thread group of worker threads associated with the process pid. This variable is read-only.
Permitted Values: A number
Default: None
Contains one of the following:

The group ID of the workers group in which thread
pid.tid is a member

0 (zero), which indicates that thread
pid.tid is not a worker thread
Storing a nonzero value in this variable marks a thread as a worker. In this case, the returned value is the ID of the workers group associated with the control group, regardless of the actual nonzero value assigned to it.
Permitted Values: A number representing the pid.tid
Default: None