In-Product_Help : TotalView Online Help : Fortran Modules Window
Fortran Modules Window
Selecting the Process Window’s Tools > Fortran Modules command tells TotalView to display a window containing information about the Fortran modules that are used by a process.
NOTE: If you compiled your code using the SUNPro F90 compiler, TotalView must scan all debugging information to locate all module names. As this can be very time-consuming, TotalView only displays information for modules that are named within already read symbol information. If module you want to see is not displayed, use the Process Window’s View > Lookup Function command to open a file using a module.
To see more information about a module, dive (double-click) on the module’s name. TotalView responds by displaying a Variable Window containing information about that module’s variables.
If a module already has a window when you dive into its name in the Fortran Modules Window, TotalView brings its old window to the front of the screen.
Figure 109 Fortran Modules
To see information about a module without first scrolling to it in the modules Window, select the Process Window’s View > Lookup Variable command and enter the name of the module into the displayed dialog box.
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