Limitations and Extensions:
The following functionality and limitations exist:
Python version: Python 2.7, and Python 3.5 and above.
Python type support: Current support for Python types includes scalar types
str, and Numpy
ndarray. Future support will include other sequence, mapping, and set types.
Python extension technologies: Current support for the many Python extension technologies includes:
SWIG to perform stack frame transformations
ctypes to call functions in DLLs or shared libraries
pybind11 for operability between C++11 and Python
Support for other Python extensions will be added to the product.
Python distributions: Python debugging support has been tested on Python distributed with various operating systems. Support of the
Enthought Python 3.5 distribution has also been validated. The
Anaconda Python distribution is not supported due to the unavailability of debug information with the distribution.
If you have feedback or feature requests on Python debugging in TotalView, please let us know at