Totalview® for HPC Reference Guide : PART I Using the CLI : Chapter 3 CLI Namespace Commands : focus_threads
Returns a list of threads in the current focus
TV::focus_threads [ -all | -group | -process | -thread ]
Changes the default width to all.
Changes the default width to group.
Changes the default width to process.
Changes the default width to thread.
The TV::focus_threads command returns a list of all threads in the current focus. If the focus width is something other than d (default), the focus width determines the set of threads returned. If the focus width is d, the TV::focus_threads command returns thread width. Using any of the options changes the default width.
f p1.< TV::focus_threads
Returns a list containing all threads in process 1.
Related Topics
focus_processes Command
focus_threads Command
dfocus Command
Using Groups, Processes, and Threads