Totalview® for HPC User Guide : PART V Using the CUDA Debugger : Chapter 25 About the TotalView CUDA Debugger : TotalView CUDA Debugging Model
TotalView CUDA Debugging Model
Figure 257 shows the TotalView CUDA debugging model for a Linux process consisting of two Linux pthreads and two CUDA threads. A CUDA thread is a CUDA kernel invocation that is running on a device.
Figure 257 – TotalView CUDA debugging model
A Linux-x86_64 CUDA process consists of:
A Linux process address space, containing a Linux executable and a list of Linux shared libraries.
A collection of Linux threads, where a Linux thread:
Is assigned a positive debugger thread ID.
Shares the Linux process address space with other Linux threads.
A collection of CUDA threads, where a CUDA thread:
Is assigned a negative debugger thread ID.
Has its own address space, separate from the Linux process address space, and separate from the address spaces of other CUDA threads.
Has a "GPU focus thread", which is focused on a specific hardware thread (also known as a core or "lane" in CUDA lingo).
The above TotalView CUDA debugging model is reflected in the TotalView user interface and command line interface. In addition, CUDA-specific CLI commands allow you to inspect CUDA threads, change the focus, and display their status. See the dcuda entry in the TotalView for HPC Reference Guide for more information.