ROCm Built-In Runtime Variables
TotalView allows access to the ROCm HIP built-in runtime variables, which are handled by TotalView like any other variables, except that you cannot change their values.
The supported ROCm HIP built-in runtime variables are as follows:
*struct dim3_32 threadIdx;
*struct dim3_32 blockIdx;
*struct dim3_32 blockDim;
*struct dim3_32 gridDim; // Grid sizes in work-group units
*struct dim3_32 gridDimWorkItems; // Grid sizes in work-item units
*int warpSize;
* unsigned int hipThreadIdx_x, hipThreadIdx_y, hipThreadIdx_z;
*unsigned int hipBlockIdx_x, hipBlockIdx_y, hipBlockIdx_z;
*unsigned int hipBlockDim_x, hipBlockDim_y, hipBlockDim_z;
*unsigned int hipGridDim_x, hipGridDim_y, hipGridDim_z;
The types of the built-in variables are defined as follows:
struct dim3_32 { unsigned int x, y, z; };