Enabling Replay
Replay behavior differs depending on whether or not program execution has begun.
The program is not yet executing
If the program is loaded but has not started executing, enable ReplayEngine in any of the following ways:
Click the
Record toolbar button
Select the
Debug > Enable ReplayEngine menu item
Execute the CLI command
dhistory -enableReplayEngine begins recording when the process starts executing. If you restart the process, ReplayEngine begins recording from the beginning of process execution.
To stop recording, exit the program and explicitly disable ReplayEngine. You cannot turn replay off while a process is executing.
The program is executing but halted
If a process is already executing and stopped, you can immediately enable replay with any of the methods used when your program is not yet executing — but replay will then be enabled only while the program executes that single time. At process exit and restart, ReplayEngine will no longer be enabled unless you explicitly re-enable it.
Enabling ReplayEngine during program execution also means that you cannot step backward beyond the point at which ReplayEngine was enabled.