Executing at Thread Width
Executing at thread width runs only that thread. No other threads run. In contrast, process width runs all threads in the process that are allowed to run while the thread of interest (TOI) is advanced.
Executing a thread isn’t the same as advancing a thread’s process, because a process can have more than one thread.
NOTE: Thread-stepping is not implemented on Sun platforms. On SGI platforms, thread-stepping is not available with pthread programs. If, however, your program’s parallelism is based on SGI’s sprocs, thread-stepping is available.
Thread-level, single-step operations can fail to complete if the TOI needs to synchronize with a thread that isn’t running. For example, if the TOI requires a lock that another held thread owns, and steps over a call that tries to acquire the lock, the primary thread can’t continue successfully. You must allow the other thread to run in order to release the lock. In this case, you should use process-width stepping instead.