Saving Action Points to a File Using the CLI
You can save a program’s action points to a file. TotalView then uses this information to reset these points when you restart the program. When you save action points, TotalView creates a file named program_name.TVD.v4breakpoints, where program_name is the name of your program.
CLI: dactions -save filename
Start TotalView with the -sb option (see “TotalView Command Syntax”) to automatically save your breakpoints.
CLI: dsetTV::auto_save_breakpoints
At any time, you can restore saved action points.
CLI: dactions -load filename
The TV::auto_save_breakponts variable
TV::auto_save_breakponts in “TotalView Variables”
The TV::auto_load_breakpoints variable
TV::auto_load_breakpoints in "TotalView Variables”