New in TotalView® 8.15.0
TotalView 8.15.0 includes the following primary new or updated features. For a complete change history for TotalView, MemoryScape, and ReplayEngine, see the document “TotalView_Change_Log.pdf” in the PDF directory of your installation, or follow the link “TotalView New Features and Change Log” on the TotalView documentation page on the web site.
• Significant scalability and performance improvements. This release focuses on a new scalability infrastructure on Linux, Blue Gene/Q and Cray platforms that uses efficient broadcast and reduction operations for a quantum leap in scalability. TotalView can now be used across hundreds of thousands of processes and millions of threads. This change is particularly noticeable in the reduction in time between when you launch a job and when you can begin actual debugging.
• Improved MemoryScape startup performance. Scalability, performance, and reduced startup times have also been implemented for memory debugging. At very large scales, focusing on a single process is likely to result in the greatest improvements.
• Root window aggregate display improvements. The root window now displays an aggregated tree of information about the state of the processes and threads you are debugging, rather than the former list-based display. The new display offers flexibility in the type of data that is aggregated, and maintains the full ability to dive on processes and threads.
• New compiler support. TotalView now supports the Intel 15.0 and PGI C++ 14.4 compilers.