New in TotalView® 8.15.10
TotalView 8.15.10 includes the following primary new or updated features. For a complete change history for TotalView, MemoryScape, and ReplayEngine, see the document “TotalView_Change_Log.pdf” in the PDF directory of your installation, or follow the link “TotalView New Features and Change Log” on the TotalView documentation page on the web site.
C++11 Support
TotalView now supports C++11 features for the GNU compiler, including support for lambdas, transformations for smart pointers, auto types, R-Value references, range-based loops, strongly-typed enums, initializer lists, user defined literals, and transformations for many of the containers such as array, forward_list, tuple and others.
Linux PowerLE Support
TotalView now supports Linux PowerLE (Little Endian) systems. All major debugging support is provided, including memory debugging, Remote Display Client, CUDA and MPI debugging.
CUDA 7.5 Support
Support for CUDA version 7.5. TotalView continues to support CUDA versions 7.0 and 6.5.
Platform Updates
Operating Systems: Linux PowerLE
Compilers: GCC 5.2 and Intel 16.0