TotalView User Guide
Part II: Debugging Tools and Tasks
Loading and Managing Sessions
Loading and Managing Sessions
This chapter discusses how to set up a TotalView session, based on some of the most-used setup commands and procedures.
There are two primary ways to load programs into TotalView for debugging: the GUI via the Sessions Manager (
Loading Programs from the Sessions Manager
) or the CLI (
Loading Programs Using the CLI
) using its various commands. Both support all debugging session types.
For information on setting up remote debugging, see
Setting Up Remote Debugging Sessions”
For information on setting up parallel debugging sessions, see
Setting Up MPI Debugging Sessions”
Setting Up Parallel Debugging Sessions”
This chapter contains the following sections (not necessarily in this order):
Setting up Debugging Sessions
Loading Programs from the Sessions Manager”
Starting a Debugging Session”
Debugging a New Program”
Attaching to a Running Program”
Debugging a Core File”
Launching your Last Session”
Loading Programs Using the CLI”
Setting up parallel debugging sessions is not discussed in this chapter. Rather, see
Chapter 19
Additional Session Setup Options
Adding a Remote Host”
Debug Options: Reverse Debugging, Memory Debugging, and CUDA Options”
Setting Environment Variables and Altering Standard I/O”
Managing Debug Sessions
Managing Sessions”
Other Configuration Options
Handling Signals”
Setting Search Paths”
Setting Startup Parameters”
Setting Preferences”