TotalView Reference Guide : Part I: CLI Commands :  CLI Commands : spurs : spurs print
spurs print
The spurs print command can be used in the following ways:
spurs print [ kernel [ eaSpurs ] |
barrier eaBarrier |
event_flag eaEventFlagSet |
lfqueue eaLFQueue |
queue eaQueue |
semaphore eaSemaphore |
taskset [ eaTaskset ] |
task eaTaskset taskID ]
spurs print
Displays one line of information on using this command.
spurs print kernel
Displays the kernel context for the SPU threads in the current or named focus. The focus must be one or more SPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_kernel is an alias for this command.
spurs print kernel eaSpurs
Displays the kernel context at PPU address eaSpurs. The command focus must be one or more PPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_kernel is an alias for this command.
spurs print barrier eaBarrier
Displays the barrier object at PPU address eaBarrier. The command focus must be one or more PPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_barrier_info is an alias for this command.
spurs print event_flag eaEventFlagSet
Displays the event flag object at PPU address eaEventFlagSet. The command focus must be one or more PPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_event_flag_info is an alias for this command.
spurs print lfqueue eaLFQueue
Displays the lfqueue object at PPU address eaLFQueue. The command focus must be one or more PPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_lfqueue_info is an alias for this command.
spurs print queue eaQueue
Displays the queue object at PPU address eaQueue. The command focus must be one or more PPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_queue_info is an alias for this command.
spurs print semaphore eaSemaphore
Displays the semaphore object at PPU address eaSemaphore. The command focus must be one or more PPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_semaphore_info is an alias for this command.
spurs print taskset
Prints the taskset for the focus SPU threads. The command focus must be one or more SPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_taskset is an alias for this command
spurs print taskset eaTaskset
Prints the taskset at PPU address eaTaskset. The command focus must be one or more SPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_taskset is an alias for this command
spurs print task eaTaskset taskID
Prints the task at index taskID in the taskset at PPU address eaTaskset. The command focus must be one or more PPU threads.
cell_spurs_print_task is an alias for this command.