TotalView Reference Guide : Part I: CLI Commands :  CLI Commands : dcuda
Manages GPU threads
dcuda block [(Bx,By,Bz)]
dcuda thread [(Tx,Ty, Tz)]
dcuda kernel
dcuda device [<n>]
dcuda sm [<n>]
dcuda warp [<n>]
dcuda lane [<n>]
dcuda info-system
dcuda info-device
dcuda info-sm
dcuda info-warp
dcuda info-lane
dcuda focus (Bx,By,Bz),(Tx,Ty, Tz)
dcuda hwfocus <D/S/W/L>
Bx,By, Bz
The x, y and z block indices
Tx, Ty, Tz
The x,y, and z thread indices
The coordinates defining the physical space of the hardware:
D: device number
S: streaming multiprocessor (SM)
W: warp (WP) number on the SM
L: lane (LN) number on the warp
The dcuda commands allow you to manage and view GPU threads, in either the logical coordinate space of block and thread indices (<<<(Bx,By,Bz),(Tx,Ty,Tz)>>>) or the physical coordinate space that defines the hardware (the device number, the streaming multiprocessor number on the device, the warp number on the SM, and lane number on the warp).