New in TotalView 8.11
New in TotalView 8.11
TotalView 8.11 includes the following primary new or updated features. For a complete change history for TotalView, MemoryScape, and ReplayEngine, see the TotalView Change Log, available as a PDF both locally, if you are viewing the documentation installed on your machine, or from the Rogue Wave Web site at TotalView New Features and Change Log.
TotalView 8.11
*Blue Gene/Q support.
*NVIDIA CUDA 4.2 support on Cray XK series supercomputers and Linux-x86-64 platform systems.
*Support for directive-based accelerator programming on the XK6 platform using OpenACC and OpenMP. See “Directive-Based Accelerator Programming Languages.”
*Early Access support for Xeon Phi (MIC architecture) using the Knights Corner implementation. This is a separately licensed feature.