TotalView Reference Guide : Part I: CLI Commands : CLI Namespace Commands : respond
Provides responses to commands
TV::respond response command
The response to one or more commands. If you include more than one response, separate the responses with newline ­characters.
One or more commands that the CLI executes.
The TV::respond command executes a command. The command argument can be a single command or a list of commands. In most cases, you place this information in braces ({}). If the CLI asks questions while command is executing, you are not asked for the answer. Instead, the CLI uses the characters in the response string for the argument. If more than one question is asked and strings within the response argument have all been used, The TV::respond command starts over at the beginning of the response string. If response does not end with a newline, the TV::respond command appends one.
Do not use this command to suppress the MORE prompt in macros. Instead, use the following command:
The most common values for response are y and n.
*If you are using the TotalView GUI and the CLI at the same time, your CLI command might cause dialog boxes to appear. You cannot use the TV::respond command to close or interact with these dialog boxes.
TV::respond {y} {exit}
Exits from TotalView. This command automatically answers the “Do you really wish to exit TotalView” question that the exit command asks.
set f1 y
set f2 exit
TV::respond $f1 $f2
A way to exit from TotalView without seeing the “Do you really wish to exit TotalView” question. This example and the one that preceded are not really what you would do as you would use the exit -force command.