TotalView Reference Guide : Part III: Platforms and Operating Systems : Platforms and Compilers : Linking with the dbfork Library : Linux or Mac OS X
Linux or Mac OS X
Add one of the following arguments or command-line options to the command that you use to link your programs:
*-L/usr/totalview/platform/lib -ldbfork
-L/usr/totalview/platform/lib -ldbfork_64 (
where platform is one of the following: darwin-power, linux-x86, linux-x86-64, or linux-ia64.
In general, 32-bit programs use libdbfork.a and 64-bit programs use libdbfork_64.a. Of course, if your architecture doesn’t support 32-bit programs, the option won’t work.
For example:
cc -o program program.c \
-L/usr/totalview/linux-x86/lib -ldbfork
However, linux-ia64 uses libdbfork for 64-bit programs.