tv_PBS.csh Script Here are the contents of the tv_PBS.csh script file: #!/bin/csh -f # # Script to submit using PBS # # These are passed to batch scheduler:: # # account to be charged ##PBS -A VEN012 # # pass users environment to the job ##PBS -V # # name of the job #PBS -N TotalView # # input and output are combined to standard ##PBS -o PBSPro_out.txt ##PBS -e PBSPro_err.txt # ##PBS -l feature=xt3 # #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00,nodes=2:ppn=1 # # # Do not remove the following: TV_COMMAND exit # # end of execution script # You can uncomment or change any line and add commands to this script. The only lines you cannot change are: TV_COMMAND exit