MemoryScape can debug programs that run in many different computing environments and which use many different parallel processing modes and systems. This section looks at few of the ways you can start MemoryScape.
where executable is the name of the executable file and
corefile is the name of the core file that you want to examine.
Your environment may require you to start MemoryScape in another way. For example, if you are debugging an MPI program, you may need to invoke MemoryScape on
mpirun. Details are presented later in this chapter.
Starts MemoryScape without loading a program or core file. You now select links such as
Add new program or
Add parallel program links to tell MemoryScape to load a program.
Beginning with TotalView 8.7, you can start MemoryScape directly from TotalView. Select the
Tools menu item from the root window or the
Debug menu item from the process window. Select the
Open MemoryScape option. When MemoryScape starts, it will try to interpret the state of TotalView and will open to the appropriate page, most likely the Home page. You can select the
Memory Debugging Options page to turn memory debugging on or off, but if your program is running, you must kill it beofre the settings will take effect.
Starts MemoryScape and passes all the arguments following the
–a option to the
executable program. When you use the
–a option, you must enter it as the last MemoryScape option on the command line.
If you don’t use the –a option and you want to add arguments after MemoryScape loads your program, right click on the executable and select Properties.
Starts MemoryScape on your local host and the TotalView Debugger Server (
tvdsvr) on a remote host. After MemoryScape begins executing, it loads the program specified by
executable for remote debugging. You can specify a host name or a TCP/IP address. If you need to, you can also enter the TCP/IP port number.
If MemoryScape fails to automatically load a remote executable, you may need to disable
autolaunching for this connection and manually start the Debugger Server (
tvdsvr). (
Autolaunching is the process of automatically launching
tvdsvr processes.) You can disable autolaunching by adding the
hostname:portnumber suffix to the name you type in the
Host field of the
Add new program or
Add parallel program screens. As always, the
portnumber is the TCP/IP port number on which our server is communicating with MemoryScape.
(method 1) In many cases, you will start an MPI program in much the same way as you would start any other program. However, you will need to set its properties. One way of doing this is by selecting the executable’s name from within MemoryScape, right-clicking, and selecting
Properties. In the displayed dialog box, select the MPI version in addition to other options.
(method 2) The MPI
mpirun command starts the MemoryScape pointed to by the
TOTALVIEW environment variable. MemoryScape then starts your program. This program will run using
count processes.