You can save a program’s action points to a file. TotalView then uses this information to reset these points when you restart the program. When you save action points, TotalView creates a file named
TVD.breakpoints, where
program is the name of your program.
Use the Action Point > Save All command to save your action points to a file. TotalView places the action points file in the same directory as your program. In contrast, the
Action Point > Save As command lets you name the file to which TotalView saves this information.
If you’re using a preference to automatically save breakpoints, TotalView automatically saves action points to a file. Alternatively, starting TotalView with the
–sb option (see “
TotalView Command Syntax” in the
TotalView Reference Guide) also tells TotalView to save your breakpoints.
At any time, you can restore saved action points if you use the Action Points > Load All command. After invoking this command, TotalView displays a File Explorer Window that you can use to navigate to or name the saved file.