The Process Window Stack Frame Pane displays variables that are local to the current stack
frame. This pane does not show the data for nonsimple variables, such as pointers, arrays, and structures. To see this information, you need to dive on the variable. This tells TotalView to display a Variable Window that contains the variable’s data. For example, diving on an array variable tells TotalView to display the entire contents of the array.
If TotalView cannot evaluate what you place your mouse over, it will display some information. For example, if you place the mouse over a structure, the tooltip tells you the kind of structure. In all cases, what you see is similar to what you’d see if you placed the same information within the Expression List Window.
Although a Variable Window is the best way to see all of an array’s elements or all elements in a structure, using the Expression List Window is easier for variables with one value. Using it also cuts down on the number of windows that are open at any one time. For more information, see
“Viewing a List of Variables”.