TotalView User Guide : Part III: Using the GUI : Visualizing Programs and Data : Visualizing Array Data : Using the Surface Window : Displaying Surface Views

Displaying Surface Views
The Surface Window File > Options command controls surface display, Figure 136 (A different dialog box controls Graph View.)
Displays the array’s data as a three-dimensional surface; otherwise, displays the surface as a grid.
Reorients the view’s XY axes. The Z axis is perpendicular to the display.
Auto Reduce
Derives the displayed surface by averaging neighboring elements in the original dataset, in order to speed visualization by reducing surface resolution. Clear this option to accurately visualize all dataset elements.
This option supports either viewing all your data points — which takes longer to appear in the display — or viewing the data average over a number of nearby points.
Figure 137 shows different views of the same data, based on Surface and XY options.
Figure 137: Four Surface Views
To restore initial state of translation, rotation, and scaling options, select View > Initialize View.

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