The View > Dive In All command, which is also available when you right-click on a field, lets you display an element in an array of structures as if it were a simple array. For example, suppose you have the following Fortran definition:
After selecting an r element, select the
View > Dive In All command. TotalView displays all of the
r elements of the
rc2 array as if they were a single array.
The View > Dive in All command can also display the elements of a C array of structures as arrays.
Figure 189 shows a unified array of structures and a multidimensional array in a structure.
Figure 190 is a high-level look at what a dive in all operation does.
In this figure, the rounded rectangle represents a Variable Window. On the left is an array of five structures. After you select the
Dive in All command with element
a selected, TotalView
replaces the contents of your Variable Window with an array that contains all of these
a elements.