Reads from infile instead of
infile indicates a file from which the launched process reads information.
Names the file to which the CLI writes output. In the following, outfile indicates the file into which the launched processes writes information.
Names the file to which the CLI writes error output. In the following,
errfile indicates the file into which the launched processes writes error information.
The drun command launches each process in the current focus and starts it running. The CLI passes the command arguments to the processes. You can also indicate I/O redirection for input and output information. Later in the session, you can use the
drerun command to restart the program.
The CLI sets this variable if you use the –a command-line
option when you started the CLI or TotalView. (This option passes command-line arguments that TotalView uses when it invokes a process.) This variable holds the default arguments that TotalView passes to a process when the process has no default arguments of its own.
An array variable that contains the command-line arguments. The index
dpid is the process ID. This variable holds a process’s default arguments. It is always set by the
drun command, and it also contains any arguments you used when executing a
drerun command.
If more than one process is launched with a single drun command, each receives the same command-line arguments.
In addition to setting these variables by using the –a command-line option or specifying
cmd_arguments when you use this or the
drerun command, you can modify these variables directly with the
dset and
dunset commands.
You can only use this command to tell TotalView to execute initial processes, because TotalView cannot directly run processes that your program spawns. When you enter this command, the initial process must have terminated; if it was not terminated, you are told to kill it and retry. (You could, use the
drerun command instead because the
drerun commands first kills the process.)
The first time you use the drun command, TotalView copies arguments to program variables. It also sets up any requested I/O redirection. If you re-enter this command for processes that TotalView previously started—or use it when you use the
dattach command to attach to a process—the CLI reinitializes your program.
Starter programs such as poe or
aprun and the CLI can interfere with one another because each believes that it owns
stdin. Because the starter program is trying to manage
stdin on behalf of your processes, it continually reads from
stdin, acquiring all characters that it sees. This means that the CLI never sees these characters. If your target process does not use
stdin, you can use the
–stdinmode none option. Unfortunately, this option is incompatible with
poe –cmdfile option that is used when specifying
–pgmmodel mpmd.