Without this argument, the CLI displays summary information about all action points in the processes in the focus set. If you enter one ID, the CLI displays full information for it. If you enter more than one ID, the CLI displays just summary information for each.
Displays the action points at source-loc. See
dbreak for the details on the form of
The name of the file into which TotalView reads and writes action point information. If you omit this file name, TotalView writes action point information to a file named
TVD.v3breakpoints, where
program_name is the name of your program.
The dactions command displays information about action points in the processes in the current focus. If you do not indicate a focus, the default focus is at the process level. The information is printed; it is not returned.
To get the action point identifier, just enter dactions with no arguments. You need this identifier to delete, enable, and disable action points.
You can include action point identifiers as arguments to the command when more detailed information is needed. The
–enabled and
–disabled options restrict output to action points in one of these states.
You cannot use the dactions command when you are debugging a core file or before TotalView loads executables.
The –save option writes action point information to a file so that either you or TotalView can restore your action points later. The
–load option immediately reads the saved file. Using the
filename argument with either option writes to or reads from this file. If you do not use this argument, TotalView names the file
program_name.TVD.v3breakpoints (where
program_name is the name of your program), and writes it to the directory in which your program resides.
The information saved includes expressions associated with the action point and whether the action point is enabled or disabled. For example, if your program’s name is
foo, TotalView writes this information to
If a file with the default name exists, TotalView can read this information when it starts your program. When TotalView exits, it can create the default. For more information, see the
File > Preference Action Points Page information in the online Help.
Displays information about the action points on line 81. (This example uses the alias instead of the full command name.) Here is the output from this command: