This chapter contains a summary of all TotalView® Debugger CLI commands. The commands are described in detail in Chapter 2, “CLI Commands” and Chapter 3, “CLI Namespace Commands”.alias alias-name defn-bodyalias [ alias-name ]dactions –save [ filename ]dactions –load [ filename ]dbarrier –address addr
[ –stop_when_hit { group | process | none } ]
[ –stop_when_done { group | process | none } ] [ –pending ][-data pbv_data_array] [–show_details] [–sort columns] [–hide_backtrace]
[–save_as_csv filename] [–save_as_dot filename]dcheckpoint [ –delete | –halt ]dcuda :Manages NVIDIA® CUDA™ GPU threads, providing the ability to inspect them, change the focus, and display their status.ddelete :ddown [ num-levels ]TV::dec2hex numberdenable action-point-listRemoves all suspended dprint computationsRemoves dprint computations preceding and including a suspended evaluation IDdflush susp-eval-iddfocus p/t-setdgroups [ –list ] [ pattern-list ]dheap [ –status ]dheap –backtrace [ subcommands ]dheap –is_dangling addressdheap –leaks [ –check_interior ]dheap –[no]notifyEnables and disables the ability to catch bounds errors and use-after-free errors retaining freed memory blocksdheap –red_zones [ subcommands ]dheap –versionDisplays information about the state of the program as it is being replayed. If you have received a timestamp, you can go back to the line that was executing at that time.dkill [ –remove ]dptsets [ ptset_array ] ...[ –ask_attach_parallel | –no_attach_parallel ]dset debugger-var valuedset [ debugger-var ]dunset debugger-varduntil proc-namedup [ num-levels ]dwhat symbol-nameManipulates values created by dprint –nowaithelp [ topic ]TV::hex2dec numberTV::read_symbols –frame [ number ]“Sources” a .tvd file when a process is loadedTV::source_proccess_startup process_idspurs add [ directory directory-list ... ]stty [ stty-args ]unalias alias-name
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