Selecting the Tools > PVM Tasks command within the Root Window tells TotalView to display a window that contains current information about PVM tasks and hosts. TotalView automatically updates this information as it receives events from PVM.
This window contains two areas. The top area lists the tasks and the bottom area lists the hosts. The top task area is further subdivided to define control groups. The information in the top task area is:
If the task to which you attached has related tasks that can also be debugged, TotalView asks if you want to attach to these related tasks. If you answer
Yes, TotalView attaches to them. If you answer
No, it only attaches to the task you dove on.
After attaching to a task, TotalView looks for attached tasks that are related to this task; if there are related tasks, TotalView places them in the same control group. If TotalView is already attached to a task you dove on, it simply opens and raises the task’s Process Window.