If several processes encounter errors simultaneously, TotalView only opens a window for the
first error. Thus, if 64 processes in a parallel program try to divide by zero at the same time, TotalView will not open 64 process windows simultaneously; instead, it only raises one window.
Stop a process, place it in the error state, and display an error in the title bar of the Process Window. If the
Stop control group on error check box within the Preference’s Option Page is selected, TotalView also stops all related processes.
Stop a process and place it in the stopped state; that is, stop the process and take no further action. Its status will be shown as
T in the Root Window.
Immediately forward the signal to the process. From your program’s point of view, the only difference between TotalView handling this signal and how it is handled otherwise is that your process receives the signal a little slower than it normally would. By default, the common signals for terminating a process (
SIGHUP) use this mode.