The commands within this page set the default values for the properties assigned when you create an action point. Some of these commands define what TotalView will do when it encounters an action point. Others tell TotalView that it should automatically save information about action point to a file so it can reload them at a later time. In this way, you do not have to reset action points every time you start TotalView.
group: When one thread reaches the breakpoint, TotalView stops all processes in its program group.
process: Just stop the process that hit the breakpoint.
thread: Just stop the thread that hit the breakpoint.
Indicates what else is stopped when TotalView encounters a barrier breakpoint. Your options are:
group: When one thread reaches the barrier, TotalView stops all processes in its program group.
process: Just stop the process that hit the barrier.
thread: Just stop the thread that hit the barrier.
Indicates what occurs when all threads or processes are stopped at the barrier breakpoint. Note that the set of threads and processes that are stopped at a barrier breakpoint is called the
satisfaction set
group: When a barrier is satisfied, TotalView stops all processes in the control group.
process: When a barrier is satisfied, TotalView stops the processes in the satisfaction set.
thread: Only the threads in the satisfaction set are stopped; other threads are not affected. For process barriers, there is no difference between
process and
If set, enabling and disabling an action point alters it in all members of the share group. If this button is not selected, you must enable and disable the action point in each share group member individually.
If selected, TotalView opens or raises the Process Window when your program reaches a breakpoint. Unlike other preferences on this page, this preference changes how existing action points behave.