TotalView Online Help : Other Topics : Using env to Insert the Agent

Using env to Insert the Agent
When MemoryScape attaches to a process that is already running, the agent must already be associated with it. You can do this in two ways:
Start the program using env (see man env on your system). This pushes the agent into your program.
The variables that you must use on each platform are shown in the following table. The placeholder <hia_dir> represents the directory in which the agent is found. See the note at the end of the previous section for a tip on how to determine this location.
(all one line)
If you are already using MALLOCTYPE for another purpose, reassign its value to the variable TVHEAP_MALLOCTYPE and assign MALLOCTYPE as above; when the agent starts it will correctly pass on the options.
If the agent is the only library you are preloading, use the generic variable. Otherwise use whichever variable was used for the other preloaded libraries.
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