The arguments typed in this area are those that you would have entered if you were starting the program from a shell. If you were directly starting your program under TotalView control, these arguments are those you would enter using the TotalView
–a command-line option.
TotalView uses these arguments whenever it starts your program. In contrast, if you need to pass arguments to a starter process such as
mpirun or
poe, enter those arguments in the Parallel tab.
As the information in this page is just text, use standard dialog box editing commands to remove arguments you no longer need. If you delete these arguments before execution begins, TotalView does not use them.
Use this area to define additional environment variables that TotalView passes to a process when it is launched.
By default, a new process inherits TotalView environment variables, and a remote process inherits
tvdsvr’s environment variables. Using this window, you can add new variables, change the value of existing variables, or delete an existing variable.
An environment variable is specified as name=value. For example, the following definition creates an environment variable named
DISPLAY whose value is