Attaching to an SGI MPI Job
To attach to a running SGI MPI program, attach to the SGI MPI mpirun process that started the program. The procedure for attaching to an mpirun process is the same as that for attaching to any other process.
After you attach to the mpirun process, TotalView asks if you also want to attach to slave MPICH processes. If you do, press Return or choose Yes. If you do not, choose No.
If you choose Yes, TotalView starts the server processes and acquires all MPICH processes.
Classic UI Only: As an alternative, use the Group > Attach Subset command to predefine what TotalView should do.
Attaching to an mpirun process
“Debugging an MPI Program” in the chapter “Starting TotalView” in the Classic TotalView User Guide.
Using the Group > Attach Subset command to specify TotalView behavior when attaching to an RMS prun process
Group > Attach Subset” in the Classic TotalView User Guide (In-Product_Help: TotalView Online Help: Process Window: Group Menu Commands: Group > Attach Subset)
Using the Group > Attach Subset command to specify TotalView behavior when attaching to a process
“Attaching to Processes Tips” in the Classic TotalView User Guide’s chapter “Debugging Strategies for Parallel Applications.”