FNP: Install a New Developer / Developer for HPC License
The FNP license you have received is typically named license.dat. Install this in either the default location or a custom location.
Install Option 1: Install FNP license file in the default location
Place the license file into the toolworks/license directory of your TotalView installation.
NOTE: Versions prior to 2023.4 will have a …/toolworks/FNP_license directory, rather than …/toolworks/license.
cp <licensefile> <installdir>/toolworks/license
where <installdir> is the top-level directory where you performed the TotalView installation.
Install Option 2: Install FNP license file in a custom location
To use a custom licensing directory:
1. Set the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to the file's full pathname. The following example shows the bash shell style syntax for setting LM_LICENSE_FILE.
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=<nonstandard-dir>/<licensefile>
If a LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable already exists, add the pathname for the license file to this variable's declaration. Notice that the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable contains a colon-separated list of license file pathnames. For example:
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=<nonstandard-dir>/<licensefile>:${LM_LICENSE_FILE}
2. Copy the license file into the custom directory.
cp <licensefile> <path-to-custom-dir>
FNE: Install a New Developer / Developer for HPC License
Install Option 1: Install FNE license file in the default location in your TotalView installation
Place the license file into the license directory of your TotalView installation.
cp <licensefile> <installdir>/toolworks/license
where <installdir> is the top-level directory where you performed the TotalView installation.
NOTE: Versions prior to 2023.4 will have a …/toolworks/FNE_license directory, rather than …/toolworks/license.
Install Option 2: Install FNE license file in a custom location
1. Set the variable TV_LICENSE_FILE, by either:
Setting your
TV_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to the file's full pathname. For example:
$ TV_LICENSE_FILE=/home/jdoe/license.bin
Creating a file, which avoids having to set up the
TV_LICENSE_FILE environment variable for each user. Name this file
tv_license_file and place it in the
license directory. This file should contain the full path to the node-locked license file, which will be used if
TV_LICENSE_FILE is not set. For example, this file:
could contain:
2. Copy the license file to the custom location.
cp license.bin <path-to-custom-location>