TotalView : TotalView Installation and Licensing Guide : Introduction : Installation Overview : TotalView Installation and Directory Hierarchy
TotalView Installation and Directory Hierarchy
TotalView can be installed either locally to an individual user’s system, or on a shared file system for access by multiple users.
The first step is to unpack the files from the distribution. For example, on linux-x86-64, the distribution is typically a tar file, which should be untarred into any location, such as a scratch area. From there, install the distribution by running the ./Install script, which will guide you through the process.
Determine the installation directory (typically /opt or /usr, but a local install might be in a user's home directory). At that point, the installer script creates the installation directory, with a top level of toolworks.
Table 1: Initial installation directory hierarchy
bin/ toolworks_hostid
memoryscape.<version>/ (optional)
*More than one version of TotalView can be installed in the toolworks directory. For multiple installations, you may not want to create the links when prompted by the install script, but instead, develop a simple script that allows your own links to each version.
*Regardless of the type of license you will have, both FNE_license and FNP_license directories are created. These are empty until you install a license.
*The directory memoryscape.<version> is installed only if you choose to install it when prompted.