FlexNet Publisher (FNP) Demo License Installation
FlexNet Publisher (FNP) style licensing uses text license files that are typically named license.demo or license.dat.
Before starting the license file installation, first verify that your license file is a FlexNet Publisher style license by running the toolworks_licensetype utility:
<installdir>/toolworks/totalview.<version>/bin/toolworks_licensetype <licensefile>
The utility should report "FlexNet Publisher (FNP)". If it reports "FlexNet Embedded (FNE)" see FlexNet Embedded (FNE) Demo License Installation.
Install Option 1: Install license file in the default location in your TotalView installation.
Before you can use TotalView, place the demo license file into the FNP_license directory of your TotalView installation. This license file was attached to the email message confirming your download request. If your email system did not retain the name license.demo, rename it after you save it to disk.
1. Become root user (optional).
If you installed TotalView as the root user, become the root user again. If you used sudo to install TotalView, use sudo in the following step.
2. Copy the license file.
Copy the license file to the FNP_license directory.
cp <licensefile> <installdir>/toolworks/FNP_license
where <installdir> is the top-level directory where you performed the TotalView installation.
Install Option 2: Install license file in a custom location
If you do not want to install the license file in the <installdir>/toolworks/FNP_license directory, set your LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to the file's full pathname. The following example shows the bash shell style syntax for setting LM_LICENSE_FILE.
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=<nonstandard-dir>/<licensefile>
If a LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable already exists, add the pathname for the license file to this variable's declaration. Notice that the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable contains a colon-separated list of license file pathnames. For example:
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=<nonstandard-dir>/<licensefile>:${LM_LICENSE_FILE}
Test that TotalView can use the license file
<installdir>/toolworks/totalview.<version>/bin/totalview \
TotalView should come up without any license error dialogs.