Setting Preferences for ReplayEngine
You can set these preferences for ReplayEngine:
*The maximum amount of memory to allocate to ReplayEngine
*The preferred behavior when the memory maximum is reached
Set memory size preference in the CLI, like so:
dset TV::replay_history_size value
The value can be a number, or a number followed by ‘K’ or ‘M’ for kilobytes or megabytes. The default value ‘0’ specifies to limit the maximum size by available memory only.
For example:
dset TV::replay_history_size 1024M
Sets the maximum history size to 1024 megabytes.
dset TV::replay_history_size 1000000
Sets the maximum history size to 1000000 bytes.
The behavior preference defines ReplayEngine behavior when the maximum memory size is reached. By default, the oldest history is discarded so that recording can continue. Alternatively, you can specify that the recording process simply stops when the allocated memory is used up.
For example:
dset TV::replay_history_mode 1
Discard oldest history and continue recording (the default).
dset TV::replay_history_size 1000000
Stop the process being recorded and stop recording.