Stepping into Function Calls
The stepping commands execute one line in your program. If you are using the CLI, you can use a numeric argument that indicates how many source lines TotalView steps. For example, here’s the CLI instruction for stepping three lines:
dstep 3
If the source line or instruction contains a function call, TotalView steps into it. If TotalView can’t find the source code and the function was compiled with -g, it displays the function’s machine instructions.
However, if a skip rule has been defined for a function call using the dskip command, it can change this stepping behavior by:
*Causing the step into commands to step over a call to a function that contains source-line information.
*Causing the step command to step through a function while ignoring any source-line information. This applies to both step into and step over commands.
You might not realize that your program is calling a function. For example, if you overloaded an operator, you’ll step into the code that defines the overloaded operator.
NOTE: If the function being stepped into wasn’t compiled with the -g command-line option, TotalView always steps over the function.
The GUI has eight Step commands and eight Step Instruction commands. These commands are located on the Group, Process, and Thread pulldowns. The difference between them is the focus.
CLI: dfocus ... dstep
dfocus ... dstepi
The dstep command
dstep in "CLI Commands" in the TotalView for HPC Reference Guide
The dstepi command
dstepi in "CLI Commands" in the TotalView for HPC Reference Guide
Detailed discussion on skipping function calls